柯基相簿分類 |
11/28。希娜 PBIS
作者:admin 來源:長生寵物社 發表時間:2021/12/1
2021/11/28 KCT 南區聯合會國際畜犬展覽比賽,希娜(Shina)初次登場,榮獲CACIB展全場最佳第一名、CAC展全場最佳第四名。 由衷感謝給予希娜肯定和機會的審查員們:林秋麗小姐、吳逸群先生、蔡進發先生、KCT台灣畜犬協會理事長薛瑞銘先生。
2021 KCT South Union Exhibition and Competition on November 28th. Shina got great results in her debut, including of Best in Show 1st and Best in Show 4th. Thanks for the Judges today.
CAC Judge Mrs. Leanne Lin, CACIB Judge Mr. Yi Chun Wu.
Final Ring Judge Mr. Dennis Hsueh (KCT President) and Mr. Chin-fa Tsai.